07932 040235

Your First Guitar Lesson is Free!

Claim your first lesson free!
Person playing guitar on couch

That’s right. It’s complementary on the house. You’re welcome!

If you live in or around Sheffield, South Yorkshire and you want to learn guitar, are thinking about guitar lessons or looking for guitar tuition… Danny Naylor is the expert right person to help.

Danny is so confident that you or your loved ones will love playing guitar that he just gives away a full complementary guitar session for your peace of mind.

There are no strings attached (excuse the pun!) of course, and you don’t need to sign up for lessons in advance like at other places. You can make a decision that’s right for you or your family and enjoy playing for as little or as long as you choose. Simple!

Danny LOVES playing guitar, and he’d like you to grow and LOVE it too, not just learn it.

Whether you’re interested in bringing yourself along on zoom morning or evening, or visiting in person at a time that suits you, just book it in and come along for a free 1 to 1 session!

With local shops and supermarkets nearby to the fully functional guitar studio it’s a handy location as well with easy parking. After your free guitar lesson, it’s totally up to you what you choose! (Who are we kidding? We KNOW you’re gonna LOVE IT!)

Sessions can fill up fast in the week so please get in touch to get a session booked in.

Ready to book your free lesson?